The past is the key to the future: what we have done and we are planning to do

The past is the key to the future: what we have done and we are planning to do

I membri della University of Naples Federico II SEG Student Chapter, sono lieti di invitarvi al webinar “The past is the key to the future: what we have done and we are planning to do”.

Durante l’evento, il nuovo board della SEG Student Chapter illustrerà tutte le attività che sono state svolte nel biennio 2019/2020 ed i progetti relativi a questo nuovo anno. In particolare, una parte del webinar sarà dedicata alla presentazione dei risultati preliminari relativi alle indagini geofisiche condotte durante il corso “SEG Geophysics Field Camp in Southern Italy 2020”.

28th “Gustavo Sclocchi” Theses Award Announcement

28th “Gustavo Sclocchi” Theses Award Announcement

for Philosophy Doctors and University Graduates
in disciplines related to the Energy Industry

To reward outstanding university graduates specializing in areas related to the Energy Industry, SPE Italian Section (Society of Petroleum Engineers), EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers) and Assorisorse (Sustainable Natural Resources and Energy) announce the 28th “Gustavo Sclocchi” Theses Award.

University graduates from Italian universities and Italian nationals graduated abroad who have completed their studies in the period October 1st 2019 to December 31st 2020 are entitled to submit their published thesis for the award.

EAGE 2020 ONLINE Conference & Exibition

EAGE 2020 ONLINE Conference & Exibition

As Sezione Italiana EAGE-SEG member you are entitled to a discount on the EAGE 2020 ONLINE Conference & Exibition registration fees.

Please follow the link below to claim the discount. Please note: The discount does not apply to Student fees.