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BOARD ELECTION PLANNING (MANDATE 2025-2027) Dear associate members of EAGE SEG Italian Section, we are approaching the renewal of the Board of Directors. Board of Directors Application: according to our Statute, any associate member can apply to become part of the...
The year that is approaching to finish, 2022, started full of positive hopes to be back doing congresses and seminars in presence and, finally, met people and professionals constrained to meet only online due to the worldwide spreading pandemic in 2020 and
2021. The Chapter is composed by newly joined students and more experienced ones who
composed the previous boards. Those preserved the worthwhile aspects from the pandemic work time, such as the flexibility and efficiency resulting from different time zones where each member comes from, and pushed the From December 2021, new Officers have been elected with a list of aims to train throughout the year of the charge.
SEG Geophysics Field Camp in Southern Italy 2022
We are pleased to announce that applications for “SEG Geophysics Field Camp in Southern Italy 2022: Breathing Supervolcano” are open!
HOW TO APPLY: Applications are open for the SEG Geophysics Field Camp in Southern Italy 2022! Send your Curriculum Vitae and a Motivation Letter to with subject “Name Surname – Field Camp Application”.
Applications will close on August 24th at 11:59 pm (CEST). Places will be assigned on CV and motivation letter basis.
You will receive the reply by August 28th. Payment in full is required to book, and your place will not be confirmed until your payment has cleared. Further information for payments will be provided in the acceptance mails. If you do not respect the payment deadline, the place will be assigned to another applicant. The fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.
EAGE E-Lecture: Watching Gas Move: Seismic 4D Reservoir Monitoring of the Pluto Gas Field, North West Shelf of Australia (by André Gerhardt)
This E-Lecture: “Watching Gas Move: Seismic 4D Reservoir Monitoring of the Pluto Gas Field, North West Shelf of Australia”, whilst Seismic 4D monitoring is a mature and established technology commonly used in the reservoir management of oil fields, not much has been published on its use for monitoring gas fields. In this presentation I describe in detail the various steps undertaken in the feasibility studies that underpinned the 4D seismic monitoring of the Pluto Gas Field in the North West Shelf of Australia. I also present some of the results of the first monitor survey which show remarkable similarity with the expectations from the feasibility studies. We postulate that the production-related (pressure and saturation) effects are much easier to predict and quantify when sufficient aquifer support is present.