Gustavo Sclocchi – 27th Theses Award 2019: AWARD CEREMONY

Trasmesso dal vivo in streaming il 15 lug 2020

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The year that is approaching to finish, 2022, started full of positive hopes to be back doing congresses and seminars in presence and, finally, met people and professionals constrained to meet only online due to the worldwide spreading pandemic in 2020 and
2021. The Chapter is composed by newly joined students and more experienced ones who
composed the previous boards. Those preserved the worthwhile aspects from the pandemic work time, such as the flexibility and efficiency resulting from different time zones where each member comes from, and pushed the From December 2021, new Officers have been elected with a list of aims to train throughout the year of the charge.

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SEG Geophysics Field Camp in Southern Italy 2022

We are pleased to announce that applications for “SEG Geophysics Field Camp in Southern Italy 2022: Breathing Supervolcano” are open!

HOW TO APPLY: Applications are open for the SEG Geophysics Field Camp in Southern Italy 2022! Send your Curriculum Vitae and a Motivation Letter to with subject “Name Surname – Field Camp Application”.
Applications will close on August 24th at 11:59 pm (CEST). Places will be assigned on CV and motivation letter basis.
You will receive the reply by August 28th. Payment in full is required to book, and your place will not be confirmed until your payment has cleared. Further information for payments will be provided in the acceptance mails. If you do not respect the payment deadline, the place will be assigned to another applicant. The fee is non-refundable under any circumstances.

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This award is for the best theses in Geosciences and Petroleum Engineering presented by university graduates from Italian universities, as well as by Italian nationals graduated anywhere in the world. The Award dedicated to the best theses regarding the energy industry, for the first time this year included renewable energy, alternative feedstocks for green refinery and energy economy and management. The prize wants to encourage and reward young professionals at the beginning of their career in the industry. This contest is a joint initiative of SPE Italian Section, EAGE and Assomineraria, the Italian Petroleum and Mining Industry Association. The awards started in 1993 and since 2001 they have been associated with the name of Gustavo Sclocchi, Eni Manager, who was the main promoter of the event. Over the last 25 years 683 theses have been submitted out of which 136 have won awards. This year in particular the interest was quite high and 36 theses competed for the prizes. The Award was divided in two groups: Master of Science & Doctor of Philosophy and Bachelor of Science & 2nd level Master. Congratulations to Luca Bianchin, Margherita Bruscolini, Chiara Zuffetti, Giuseppe Battista Abbate, Ahmed Mohamed Sadek Elgendy, Martina Balestra, Magdalena Vera Chena, Iwan Setiawan, Carlo Cristiano Stabile and Marco Teodori for their works.