EAGE E-Lecture: Epsilon and Delta in Anisotropic Velocity Model Building by Etienne ROBEIN


Pubblicato il 19 feb 2016


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Italian SEG Challenge Bowl 2024

Nel corso del prossimo 42° Convegno Nazionale GNGTS a Ferrara, il giorno 14 Febbraio, si terrà la quindicesima Edizione dell’ Italian Challenge Bowl, ovvero la Grande Sfida a Quiz tra studenti di Geofisica Applicata.
La gara si svolge in inglese, ed è aperta a studenti di laurea e dottorato di ricerca. I partecipanti si iscrivono in squadre di due persone, idealmente una più esperta in geofisica ed una in geologia, vista l’interdisciplinarietà delle domande.

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The annual EAGE Board elections are due to take place, with voting online beginning from 1 May to 1 June 2023. The Board is responsible for developing appropriate policies to achieve the objectives of EAGE in the interests of its members. We therefore invite all members to participate in the 2023 Ballot, as this is an important opportunity for you to have a say in how the Association is run on your behalf.

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Premio di laurea in Geofisica “VITTORIO ILICETO”

Per onorare la memoria del Prof. Vittorio Iliceto, già membro del Consiglio Nazionale dei Geologi e Docente di Geofisica presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova e Ferrara, si istituisce il premio di Laurea VITTORIO ILICETO (fissato, per l’anno 2023, in Euro 1.500)
da assegnare ad un giovane laureato in Scienze Geologiche, Geofisiche, Fisica, Scienze Ambientali
o Ingegneria che abbia discusso una tesi di laurea magistrale con tematiche inerenti la GEOFISICA TEORICA ED APPLICATA

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Epsilon and Delta in Anisotropic Velocity Model Building

The objective of seismic imaging is to get a sharp and accurate image of the elastic reflectivity in the subsurface, especially in complex geological settings. By ‘accurate’, we mean that reflectors should be at the right depth, but also correct lateral position.
The accuracy of a Pre-Stack Depth Migration image goes together with our ability to estimate the velocity at which waves propagate in the subsurface. To build such a Velocity Model remains a challenge because the earth is not only heterogeneous (waves propagate at different velocities at different locations), but also anisotropic (propagation velocity is a function of propagation direction).
The presentation discusses the physical meaning of Thomsen’s parameters epsilon and delta included in the Model to describe anisotropy. It illustrates a popular method to estimate them in a Pre-Stack Depth Migration project to conclude that borehole calibration is a necessary step to achieve the best accuracy possible.

This video is part of EAGE Online Education Programme.
The European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) is a global professional, non-profit association for geoscientists and engineers. EAGE strives to promote innovation and technical progress and aims to foster communication and cooperation between those working in, studying or interested in these fields. To learn more about EAGE Education visit www.LearningGeoscience.org

The following courses by Etienne Robein are available via EAGE:

– Seismic Imaging: A Review of the Techniques, their Principles, Merits and Limitations (EET 4)
– Seismic Depth Imaging and Anisotropic Velocity Model Building