DLP (Distinguished Lecturer Programme) webinars are live connections with lecturers selected from the best presentations at EAGE Conferences. The lecture is usually one hour long and is followed by a Q&A session where participants can interact directly with the presenter.


Below you can find the calendar of recent and programmed webinars.

Seismic AVO: When data meets theory

by Mr. Patrick Connolly 

Tuesday 18 February 2020, 10 AM CET

Register here

Automated top salt interpretation using a deep convolutional net  

by Mr. Oddgeir Gramstad

Tuesday 25 February 2020 at 11 AM CET

Register here

Near-Field Measurements Versus Far-Field Estimations of Air Gun Array Sound Pressure Levels

by Mr. Philip Fontana

Monday 17 February 2020, 2 PM CET

Register here


For further information on these and other online webinars and events please visit:

Calendario Eventi

Also visit

Calendar of DLP webinars