Feb 21, 2022 | Interviews
Why did you choose a scientific faculty after high school? Can you tell us about your career in Geoscience?
I always loved science, because it’s rigorous and logic, but also creative. I think it can help society by explaining why and how things happen leading to inventions and discoveries that support our livelihood. I’ve always been fascinated by how a problem can be solved in a logic and rigorous manner.
My first job as a geophysicist was in the field, acquiring electromagnetic and gravity data. It has been great fun; travelling around the world, working side by side with people from different background and cultures. After that I moved into processing, inversion and interpretation. Through my career I’ve been lucky enough to have seen the entire life cycle of the data we interpret. This allows me to better understand the strength and the pitfalls of our data.
I’ve been with Cairn Energy since 2011. Here I’ve been through exciting times and some disappointments, as part of the exploration cycle; it is a high risk business.
Sep 7, 2021 | Interviews
AAPG’s Imperial Barrel Award Program (IBA) is an annual prospective basin evaluation competition for geoscience graduate students from universities around the world. University teams compete to win scholarship funds for their geoscience department and the international recognition that comes from competing or winning in the competition. The program is rigorous and contributes to AAPG’s mission of promoting petroleum geoscience training and advancing the careers of geoscience students. The judges will select the winning team based on the technical quality, clarity and originality of presentation.
Feb 18, 2021 | Interviews
Potential fields are passive methods. They are based on the measurement of the Earth’s natural gravimetric and magnetic fields. In gravimetry, geophysicists measure the vertical component of the gravitational acceleration vector with great precision. In the case of magnetism, it is possible to measure the three components of the magnetic field vector or, more commonly, a single component called the total field. It refers to the direction of the main field that originates in the liquid outer core of the Earth…
Nov 30, 2020 | Interviews
We interviewed Vincenzo Lipari, Paolo Bestagini and Francesco Picetti from the Information and Bioengineering department of the Politecnico di Milano.
They all work on various geophysical activities of the ISPL laboratory. ISPL belongs to the electronics, information and bioengineering department of the Politecnico di Milano.
Oct 29, 2020 | Interviews
The Image and Sound Processing Lab (ISPL) of the Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria (DEIB) of the Politecnico di Milano has more than twenty years of experience on applying advanced signal processing and machine learning techniques to multidimensional data.
In the last five years, ISPL has extended the field of application of its expertise to geophysical data. This has been possible due to the deep knowledge on seismic data processing that is present at DEIB thanks to Prof. Fabio Rocca and by Prof. Giuseppe Drufuca.
Oct 29, 2020 | Interviews
The Italian EAGE-SEG Section interviewed Aldo Vesnaver and Eleonora Denich, INOGS geophysical researchers, about the current applications and future perspectives on Seismic Inversion techniques, focusing on Machine Learning and Artificial intelligence.
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