From multi-component imaging to ocean bottom seismic technology - challenges or opportunities?
Xiaogui Miao
2021 Honorary Lecturer, Pacific South
7 April, view your personal invitation.
Multi-component imaging technology has experienced up and down cycles in the past decades. Even though people were excited by the capability of PS wave imaging through gas cloud structures 20 years ago, oil companies are still hesitant to put the technology into practice over many years due to complicated imaging technology, long processing cycles, and economic consideration. Learn more, view times, or register.
Listen: Miao highlights her lecture on Seismic Soundoff Episode 107.
Multi-physics analysis: extracting the most from diverse datasets
Lucy MacGregor
2021 1Q2Q SEG Distinguished Lecturer
13 April
Understanding the sub-surface is important for many reasons, including resource management and hazard detection. Geophysicists can deploy a range of tools to probe the earth, measuring properties from velocity and density to resistivity and magnetization. This presentation will provide an overview of multi-physics approaches and applications, illustrated using case studies. Learn more, view times, or register.
Listen: MacGregor highlights her lecture on Seismic Soundoff Episode 99.
Seismic technology in northern European waters and the prevalence of multiples
Adriana Citlali Ramírez
2021 Honorary Lecturer, Europe
13 April
Good ideas tend to stand the test of time. True for several technologies that are called new or revolutionary. Just take a minute and think about blended sources becoming almost standard in seismic surveys within the past five years, invented in the 1980s for seismic exploration purposes, and based on Colin Cherry’s “cocktail party problem” from 1953. Onsite and virtual registrations available.
Listen: Ramírez highlights her lecture on Seismic Soundoff Episode 104.
Understanding seismic wave attenuation mechanisms in porous and non-porous media: Some new insights
Nimisha Vedanti
2021 Honorary Lecturer, South and East Asia
20 April, view your personal invitation
In this lecture, I will give an overview of the seismic attenuation processes and provide a comprehensive study of attenuation mechanisms in two very different scenarios, citing the case studies carried out in Utsira Formation in Sleipner field, the North Sea, and the Deccan Basalt in India. Learn more, view times, or register.
Taking the Power of Exploration Geophysics from the Oil Patch to Help Solve the World’s Grand Challenges
John Bradford
2021 Near Surface Global Lecturer
29 April
Geophysicists have an opportunity to utilize the most powerful computation, signal processing, and imaging tools developed in exploration geophysics and apply them to help solve several of society’s grand challenges. Learn more, view times, or register.
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