University of Pisa Geophysical Society, SEG Student Chapter
The Student Chapter SEG of the Geophysical Society of Pisa was founded in 2009 with the aim of divulging and improving changes in Geophysical exploration, supporting the collaboration between university and industry. The Student Chapter SEG of the Geophysical Society of Pisa was founded in 2009 with the aim of divulging and improving changes in Geophysical exploration, supporting the collaboration between university and industry. Member’s activities guaranteed the continuity of the work. The President gets annually elected amongst Department’s PHD students. Today, SC active members are about 50. The most intense and vivid activities are supporting new students and sharing geophysical knowhow. In addition, SC organizes geophysical campaigns and tours in laboratories and computation centres.
A moment during Geophysical Campaign
The main initiatives consist in seminars, webinars and collaborations with private companies. Every year the “SEG Student Chapter of Pisa” has hosted one of SEG’s Honorary Lectures since 2016. For example: J. Carcione, L. Sirgue, V. Socco, M. Kemper, M. Landrø, I. Vasconcelos, K. Suto e J.T. Etgen.
Group photo of Honorary Lecture 2019 di J.T. Etgen
In recent years, our association has sought to create a link between students and companies working in the geophysical fields, arranging events and promoting corporate participations. The main Geophysics contractors have been invited to introduce their companies and their activities. During some events, students had also the opportunity to take part in a mock interview.
The valuable collaboration with ENI has promoted many events such as lectures and employees seminars which have shown some case history projects. In 2018 it was possible to visit the “ENI Green Data Center” (Ferrara Erbognone). In 2019, it was possible to host a Presentation Day of Master “Geoscience for Energy” (GEMS) by ENI Master school.
Group photo at ENI Green Data Center.
Moreover, SC students has ever been testing their-selves many times, participating to many Italian EAGE-SEG Section initiatives such as the Challenge Bowl: the quiz organised during GNGTS annually. For many editions, SC of Pisa students won the national title; Angelo Sajeva and Francesco Grigoli represented Italy for the Challenge Bowl world-wide final during the 79th SEG Annual Meeting 2009 in Huston, awarding the third position.
Angelo Sajeva (left side) e Francesco Grigoli during Challenge Bowl Final in Houston.
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