Julien Meunier
Seismic Acquisition from Yesterday to Tomorrow
The lecture will be held in San Donato Milanese, eni Fifth Building at the Main Conference Room room on november 7th 2011, starting from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm

EAGE, jointly with SEG, the SEG-EAGE Italian Section and eni, organizes a one-day lecture entitled “Seismic acquisition from yesterday to tomorrow“. This is the Italian performance of the SEG-EAGE DISC Lecture. Further information are available at EAGE website.
The lecture will be held in San Donato Milanese, eni Fifth Building at the Main Conference Room room on november 7th 2011, starting from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm
A fee is requested to participate (75€ for EAGE/SEG members, 150€ for non members) and the registration not later than October 31st at EAGE website is mandatory.
There seems to be a very recent acceleration in the evolution of seismic acquisition. Offshore, wide-azimuth surveys have resulted in images of remarkable clarity. On land, increase in channel count has allowed the use of denser grids leading to significant noise reduction. Both onshore and offshore, the race for bandwidth extension is tenser than ever. This course presents these developments as a natural consequence of the conjunction of our need for clearer seismic images and the availability of recent technological advances. The core of the course is the relationship between acquisition parameters and seismic image quality. The main topics are: Historical overview, Elementary theoretical recap, Signal and Noise, Components of seismic acquisition, Vibroseis: a very special source, Acquisition geometry – Survey design.
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