Travel Awards 2020 (500 CHF)

Application deadline: 31 December 2019

The editorial team of Geosciences is inviting applications for 5 Travel Awards for young scholars in the area of geoscience, future earth, and planetary science to attend a conference in 2020. The nominations and applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee comprising senior scholars from the geoscience field and chaired by the Editor-in-Chief of Geosciences, Prof. Dr. Jesús Martinez-Frias.

This year, we are setting up 5 awards for young scholars in different subdisciplines of geoscience: Natural Hazards, Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Geochemistry & Biogeosciences and general subjects. These subdisciplines are also Sections of Geosciences; for more information, please visit

Candidate Requirements:

— Applicants must be postdoctoral researchers or PhD students involved in geoscience and related areas;

— Applicants will attend an international conference (related to geoscience, future earth and planetary science) in 2020 to present their research (oral presentation or poster);

— Applicants need to indicate which subdiscipline to apply;

— Each applicant is allowed to apply for only one subdiscipline;

— Applicants must submit the following documents:

  1. An abstract of their work;
  2. A short CV with selected publications;
  3. A short justification letter;
  4. A letter of support from their supervisor.

The awards will consist of 500 Swiss Francs each.

Please send the applications here ( or to the Geosciences Editorial Office ( by 31 December 2019. The winners will be announced on the Geosciences website by 29 February 2020.

Prof. Dr. Jesús Martinez-Frias
Editor-in-Chief, Geosciences
Instituto de Geociencias, IGEO (CSIC-UCM), C/ Del Doctor Severo Ochoa 7, Edificio Entrepabellones 7 y 8, 28040 Madrid, Spain

Geosciences (ISSN 2076-3263) is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal which publishes original papers, rapid communications, technical notes, and review articles discussing all different interdisciplinary aspects of the Earth and Planetary Sciences.

*Please note: All conferences in 2020 would be fine for the application. There is a total of 5 awards, which are 5 subjects of  Geoscience (Natural Hazards, Geophysics, Hydrogeology, Geochemistry & Biogeosciences and general subjects). For detailed information, please visit:

Premio di laurea in Geofisica “VITTORIO ILICETO”

Per onorare la memoria del Prof. Vittorio Iliceto, già membro del Consiglio Nazionale dei Geologi e Docente di Geofisica presso l’Università degli Studi di Padova e Ferrara, si istituisce il premio di Laurea VITTORIO ILICETO (fissato, per l’anno 2023, in Euro 1.500)
da assegnare ad un giovane laureato in Scienze Geologiche, Geofisiche, Fisica, Scienze Ambientali
o Ingegneria che abbia discusso una tesi di laurea magistrale con tematiche inerenti la GEOFISICA TEORICA ED APPLICATA

Associazione per la Geofisica Licio Cernobori

L’Associazione per la Geofisica Licio Cernobori, visto il successo del workshop organizzato l’anno scorso per festeggiare il ventennale, ha deciso di ripetere l’iniziativa nei giorni 22 e 23 giugno 2022. Inoltre ha deciso di dedicare il workshop di quest’anno alla memoria di Lorenzo Petronio, valente ed entusiasta geofisico, Dirigente Tecnologo dell’OGS, ma soprattutto grande amico di Licio Cernobori e di tutti noi, e membro del consiglio direttivo dell’AGLC, che è prematuramente ed improvvisamente scomparso il 6 aprile di quest’anno.


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